“Quality in Travel” is a certification mark for products and services of tourism and travel. You can
- ask for a certification online or via telephone, fax etc. To provide you with an offer, we need certain information on the to-be-certified product or service in advance.
- You will be sent an offer which is the basis for a written certification contract.
- Optional: quality audit and consulting in advance of the certification to ensure a successful certification process.
- After mutually signing the contract, our experts will visit and inspect your product or service thoroughly and analyse the results.
- Upon successful certification you will get a notice of the result and the certificate together with a written report, printed advertising materials of the Quality in Travel-Logo and the same in electronic form, so that you can use it for the following 2 years. You ar requested to place the logo at some prominent place at your website and link it to a short report at www.quality-in-travel.com .
After this period you can ask for a re-certification. Within this period we reserve the right of mystery visits that check the reliability of your quality efforts.
Information we need to provide you an detailed offer:
Basic information on the company
- Field of work (DMC, tour operator, agent, hospitality, etc.)
- Size of the company (number of employees, number and places of hotels, offices etc., voluntarily: approx turnover p.a.)
- quality management measures, you already follow, as: existing ISO certification (e.g. ISO 9001) Statement of the aims of Quality Management, monitoring of client feedback (own or in the social networks, defined responsibilities for quality management in the company) and other quality parameters
- Statement whether you want to introduce a quality management system (this would require a previous consultation) or optimize an existing one
Documents in preparation for the certification:
- Trade license
- Organizational Chart of the management, especially positions concerned with quality management (can also be created during the consultation)
- Statement of the responsible financial institute that prove that it is a financially sound company
- Insurances relevant for the trade
Quality in Travel Logo: